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sherlock 发表于 2014-7-30 11:14

新人報導:D 不知道該說什麼好

Whattup dope fresh Nation!I am a man who  outsmarted everyone else. (got a little narcissistic there i guess)
I haven't been through highschool yet so I guess im a young man? Let me tell you all a joke: One day, a taco was talking to nacho. Nacho said "Im nacho friend anymore!" Taco replied:" I dont want to taco about it". For those who are using google translate you might not get it. Because of my grammar mistakes. That's my normal writing on the internet. I purposely did that. FOr those who are not using google translate and don't know any English. They might found this boring. Whoever you are, I just want to wish you good luck with life. I don't know why i'm saying this even nobody will care about a single thing i'm saying. Oh well, I guess this is life. Now do I sound crazy enough?  I apologize if i confused you. All I wanted to do was making friend with you. From the first time we met, I had fall in love with you. You are the one who I treasure the most. You and I together can make the world a better place. Together! To be, or not to be.

qq1401619560 发表于 2014-7-31 10:16

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