Story of the dogs
New York was a very big city that filled with skyscrapers, traffics and business people. It was too big, that some corners of the city disappear in people’s mind, those corners just hide under the shadows of the skyscrapers and watched the busy streets. Island Tegrof was one of the forgotten places in New York. People saw it everyday, but they got nothing more than green vegetation and random bushes. People only went to this island for two reasons, the first one was to dump trashes, and the second was to trade drugs in-between the gangs. The island just quietly decayed, until one day it is completely gone.
How ever, this island was not so alone. It was almost like a heaven for the street dogs. Vegetation provided shelters, and the wasted food in the trashes was more than enough for the homeless dogs. Most importantly, dogs here took care of each other. They all knew what did homeless felt like and how much it suffered when the police chased them down. The dogs on the Tegrof Island were like one family, even though they came from all different places.
In the Tegrof dog family, Kyra was the “mother”. She was a black poodle, who was owned by an important government official, until that person was killed in 911, she became homeless and found island Tegrof. She is 22 years old now, for a dog, 22 years of lifetime was almost like a miracle. Dogs just knew she was really old, but they didn’t know the secret of why she could live such a long time. When she got out from the officials’ house, she has stolen a research report. It was a research that secretly carried out under the ground on magic. Although the government told people not to believe in magic, magic actually existed and the government tried to find out how to use and control it. All the information they collected was printed onto the report. For years, Kyra tried to learn magic and she finally succeeded. She made a potion that can increase her lifetime, and that was why she could live for so long. She might know other magic spells, but no body knew exactly how powerful she was. The younger dogs called her mother Kyra because she was very kind and she willed to help the Youngers. She treated the sick dogs, solved conflicts and educated the baby dogs. Every single dog on the island respected her, they all respected mother Kyra because she was kindhearted.
On a sunny Friday afternoon, Kyra’s daughter Gina decided to take her daughter, who was Kyra’s grand daughter and only three months old, to the play ground because the weather was very nice. There was no reason for Kyra to stop them, but they never came back again. On that night, a middle aged drunken man crashed into the island. He was bearded and really fat. When you walk with him together, you can’t even see the sun because the big chunk of meat on his belly just blocks everything. He could barely walk straight and started to throw up. Gina didn’t want him to ruin the environment of the island, so she barked at him and tried to scare him away. The man was not happy, and he took out an empty bottle from nowhere and threw right into Gina. The brittle glass collided with her chest and sparkling small pieces dig all the way to her heart. Her three months old daughter obviously had no idea about what just happened. She started to cry, but not for a long time because the man came over and trampled over this little life. Her and her mother’s blood joined together, created a little pond on the island. They man didn’t even know what he did because he was too drunk, because he drunk too much alcohol, so he decided to release some stinky liquid into the small pond. Kyra saw all of that, but it was already too late for her to do anything.
After that tragedy, Kyra barely shows up in front of the other dogs. She just locked her self in her own space and carried out experiment all day long. For entirely three months, she never came out from the bushes. Some dogs even think she is already dead, but occasionally noise of expositions come out from the bushes, and tells the other dogs “I am still alive”. Finally, Kyra succeeded. She has found the spell that can make dogs become human and make human become dogs. She was once kindhearted, but the fat man broke her heart, so she has found a new heart for her self, which was a cold and black heart made by hatreds, a heart that can’t get break again.
In another Friday afternoon, the weather was also sunny and warm. A group of people was having a party on the Tegrof Island. Mr. Labrador was having a fun talk with Mr. Fukuda and his wife Mrs. Springer. Not far away from the table, an attractive young lady Ms. Sheepdog was staring at Mr. Labrador, because she was attracted and fell in love with him. On the other side of the party, twin brothers from the Husky family were arguing on their family businesses. Those two just work and work all day long, and they were always in the formal working suits of white shirts and black blazers. Ms. Poodle, the organizer of the party, didn’t join the other people to have fun. She dressed in a black fur coat and just sits in the corner quietly, holding a tiny black dog with four bottles of wines in front of her. She whispered to her dog: “Hello puppy, you know what? I have four bottles of wines right here and I think I will be drunk when I finish all of them, and I think you know what a drunk woman can do to a puppy.”
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